Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Fog brain

I'm going to blame the fibro brain. Somewhere along the line, I got distracted and completely forgot I was updating here again. I also apparently got distracted and developed start-itis. Somehow I'm up to 94 in progress on Ravelry (and that's after I removed 3 placeholders and a couple of reference pages that show up in my wips from my count). Oops. So far though, I've finished what I've started on my short term (one month or less for House Cup) projects. The only starts so far unfinished are the long term ones for my OWL and my Mission.

We'll just conveniently ignore the two quilt tops, the stitch-a-day embroidery challenge, and the cross stitch mystery sampler I also seem to have started.

And the doll restorations and customizations.

And the clearance needlepoint canvases I picked up to go with the needlepoint stitch dictionaries I got for Christmas.

Eventually my mind will figure out I'm not able to do things at the speed, intensity, and level I used to, and let me catch up on things, right?
